Saturday, May 31, 2008

Time and Pressure ...

A million angels heard my cry, a million angels can’t put back the pieces of that broken heart… every piece of the puzzle is missing… and the full picture is lost.. What makes us what we are?? I do believe that one’s life forms him like a sculpture shapes his art… each stroke that cuts deep into us helps to take us a further step towards what we are meant to be…

But to truly reach the final stage… when an unshaped piece of rock becomes a piece of pure art, it has to stand the test of time… that’s all you need actually… a simple test of pressure and time…

But then again … who can stand the test of time… who wouldn’t crack with all the changes that rock us every single moment of our lives… those cold moments… Those passionate moments… And the grey area in between … that empty space… that silence… that darkness… and a walk in the warmth in the sun …

Wouldn’t you just cry and beg for those painful strokes to stop!! Leave me be!! A simple unshaped rock… like all the rest… nothing special… nothing out of the ordinary… special is over rated some might say…

Through the wind and rain… butterflies and rainbows… Dreams and nightmares… the tender touch… and cruel lonely nights… those strokes will rock your world… will make you scream… will make you cry… and those occasional laughters… that feeling we all go through… that you’ve lost control… but to have it all… you have to go through it all… time and pressure… that’s what it takes … that’s all it takes …

Thursday, May 15, 2008

60 years and counting...

May 15th 2008 ... That’s what the calendar told me when I woke up this morning, it felt like any given Thursday, nothing felt new, strange, or out of the usual. But today is a very special day.
60 years ago in the dark year of 1948, and just like today,, it was the day that changed the lives of the people of the Middle East all in all… It’s the day of what we Palestinians refer to as “An-Nakba” which means “The Catastrophe”. To the Israeli’s “they didn’t exist before that day” it was their most sacred most special day of all special days ,, the day they had their independent state, “The State of Israel”.

How strange that is, an entire population is murdered, raped and forced out of their land. While others take over and start their own, and then , that’s called “Independence”. Over 700,000 Palestinians were forced out of their homes and land into their “up till now” unknown future, two thirds of the Palestinians were made homeless, never mind the countless massacres and complete towns and villages vanishing from the face of the earth… That’s called “Independence”.

Now what until this moment I can’t fully understand is this. All this was done under the excuse of escaping unfairness, injustice and persecution. If you or anybody else can phrase that in a way that could make sense to me, then please do.

It wasn’t us the Palestinians who harmed the Jews of Europe, it wasn’t us who chased, killed and tortured them. Then why are we the ones to pay for it? Why does the entire world stand still and watches the ongoing “Nakba” of the Palestinian people? Over 4.5 million Palestinians still live in refugee camps, in conditions that no human can endure… What was their crime you might ask? They were and still are “Palestinians”.

That was the crime they were found guilty of charge, to be born Palestinian… that’s why we have to pay the price of the crime we did not have any part of.

Now if you find all that to be a little bit awkward or maybe strange, here is the enigma … all of this misery brought to the Palestinians, throughout the last 60 years, was on the hands of the people who were escaping the same injustice. The Jews of Europe came to Palestine fleeing what was being unfairly done to them. Now they didn’t just come and say “can we live among you?” I really doubt that request was actually offered to the people of Palestine. No, they came in and practiced the same injustice on innocent people who are still up until now after 60 years of darkness, screaming for the world to hear the cry of the truth. But then it seems that the world have turned deaf… 60 years of showing the world the crimes that they have been victims of. But then again the world seems to be blind.

60 years of total silence, nothing said, nothing done. When will the light of justice bring it’s warmth to the dying conscious of the world…

To Whom It May Concern...

To whom it may concern,

To whom it may concern, I’m a human being, I’m a Muslim, I’m a Christian, I’m a Jew, I’m a Buddhist and I’m a Hindu. I’m a human being…

To whom it may concern,
I'm a human being, I’m Black, I’m white, I’m yellow, I’m red, I’m in every color there is. I’m a human being…

To whom it may concern,
I’m a human being, I cry and I bleed. I sweat, and I do feel pain when you hurt me. I’m a human being …

To whom it may concern,
I’m a human being, I get hungry when there is no food in my stomach, and thirsty when there is no water to run down my throat, and I do get lonely when I’m left on my own. I’m a human being …

To whom it may concern,
I’m a human being, I do get cold when I’m left under the pouring rain, and I do get hot when there is no shelter to hide me from the burning sun. I’m a human being …

To whom it may concern,
I'm a human being, the moon that shines in your darkest night shines bright in mine as well, the sun that light your days burns in my sky as well ,, even that wind you breath, runs deep into my lungs. I'm a human being...

Even if you don’t like it, I am a human being… just like you.

Qossay Abu-Zaitoun

The old city of Nablus...